Friday, November 27, 2009


  1. Nice powerpoint, I thoroughly understood how the star chart operates and I really liked your graph. Nice job with the pictures of the students as well.

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  4. Julie, I really like the graph that you provided in your slide presentation. This tool is very powerful. When you present this to the staff, this piece of information would speak volumes. It is very evident that your school's technology infrastructure increase every year. However, this increase does not represent the same growth in the area of teaching and learning. I am pretty sure this is true to most of our schools. I believe that showing teachers and administrators a valid proof like the chart that you created will get all educators in the community to think about the importance of job-embedded professional development to ensure that the resources available are used effectively to impact teaching and learning.
    Thank you Julie for sharing this wonderful PowerPoint presentation!

  5. Great work! You did a beautiful job illustrating the importance of the STaR Chart for educators and specifically your campus.
